CAL at Wasteless Market

By |2020-03-14T21:44:33+00:00March 14th, 2020|Events|

We're going to be at the (free!) Wasteless Market at Beckenham Place Mansion, BR3 1SY on Sunday 18th April from 11am - 3pm, with new ideas, new resources, children's activities, and conversations. Come and say hello. Facebook event Website

Seeing is Believing

By |2020-03-14T21:45:51+00:00March 14th, 2020|Events|

On 4th April we're running a walking tour of the 'Mini-Holland' of Walthamstow, led by someone who knows, as he lives there. We'll leave from Catford bridge station and get to st James's street in Walthamstow by public transport. The tour is about 4.5km long, and will conclude by 4pm, including some time for Q and A. You are not [...]

Persuasive Communication Workshop – 29th March

By |2020-03-14T21:18:45+00:00March 14th, 2020|Events|

This meeting will be led by Jude. Jude is a member of Climate Action Lewisham who works in health education and has experience in conversations that change people's behaviour. She will share her expertise for those of us who are constantly struggling to talk about Climate Crisis in our daily lives and contexts. This is also a climate Action Lewisham [...]