Parliamentary MPs
Three Parliamentary constituencies fall within the London Borough of Lewisham. Any constituent may write to (or request a meeting with) their MP about any issue they feel strongly about.
We encourage residents of Lewisham to contact their MP about issues around Climate Change, and will try to provide guidance on when and how such communication might be most effective.
Using your postcode you can find out who your MP is here.
Lewisham, Deptford
Vicky Foxcroft MP (Labour)
Constituency office: Tel: 020 8469 4638
Twitter: @vickyfoxcroft
Lewisham East
Janet Daby MP (Labour)
Constituency office: Tel: 020 8461 4733
Twitter: @janetdaby
Lewisham West and Penge
Ellie Reeves MP (Labour)
Constituency office: Tel: 020 7219 2668
Twitter: @elliereeves
Lewisham Councillors
There are 54 elected Councillors for the Borough of Lewisham, covering the 18 wards of the Borough. Currently they all represent the Labour Party.
Using your postcode you can find out who your three Councillors are, along with their contact details, here.
We encourage residents of Lewisham to contact their Councillors about issues around Climate Change, and will try to provide guidance on when and how such communication might be most effective.
Councillors hold 3 or 4 surgeries each month when they meet with residents of their Ward. Any resident can also write to their Councillors about any issue they feel strongly about.
Each Ward also has a ‘Local Assembly’ up to 4 times a year. Anyone who lives, works or learns in the ward can attend. You can find out more about your local Assembly on the Lewisham Council website here, or by contacting the ‘Local Assemblies Team’ by email at
Until the UK leaves the European Union, all Londoners are represented by eight MEPs. You can access their contact details here.
We encourage residents of Lewisham to contact their MEPs about issues around Climate Change, and will try to provide guidance on when and how such communication might be most effective.
London Assembly
There are 25 elected members of the London Assembly. Of these, 14 represent specific areas and 11 are ‘Londonwide’.
The representative for Lewisham and Greenwich is Len Duvall (Labour):
Tel: 020 7983 4350
Twitter: @Len_Duvall
The 11 Londonwide members are as follows; you can find their contact details here [LINK].
We encourage residents of Lewisham to contact their Assembly Members about issues around Climate Change, and will try to provide guidance on when and how such communication might be most effective.
Lewisham Council Sustainable Development Select Committee
This Committee looks at issues relating to the protection of the environment such as: the best use of natural resources; air quality; energy saving and the reduction of all types of pollution. The meetings are open to the public, and held in the Civic Suite in Catford.
The Support Officer for these meetings is Timothy Andrew.(; phone: 020 8314 7916).
The Committee can review and challenge reports written by managers of Council services. It can also study topics that are important to local people and share its findings with the Council’s Mayor and Cabinet about:
- Economic development, business support, employment and training
- The Council’s planning policies (but not planning control and building control)
- Roads and pavements, parking traffic and transport
- Projects to rebuild or change local areas
- Rubbish, bins, recycling and cleaning the streets
- Street and market trading (but not giving permission for people to trade or other things that the Council’s licensing committee is responsible for)
- The work carried out by those responsible for preventing and managing flooding
The committee chooses the issues it wants to focus on each year and holds eight meetings, which are open to the public. The agenda and papers for each meeting are published online in advance.
You can find out more about the Committee and Agenda, Decisions and Minutes of previous meetings here.
Current (July 2019) members of the Committee are:
- Councillor Liam Curran (Chair)
- Councillor Patrick Codd (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Obajimi Adefiranye
- Councillor Abdeslam Amrani
- Councillor Suzannah Clarke
- Councillor Mark Ingleby
- Councillor Louise Krupski
- Councillor Pauline Morrison
- Councillor Alan Smith
- Councillor James-J Walsh
- Councillor Bill Brown (ex-Officio)
- Councillor Sakina Sheikh (ex-Officio)