Climate Action Lewisham is a local residents’ action group working to support and generate initiatives in Lewisham that reduce our collective carbon footprint, and promote healthy and thriving neighbourhoods in the face of our climate and ecological crisis.
Make friends and influence people
In this article, John from CAL explains how you can learn about the formal decision making process in your local council and get involved in influencing it. He outlines what you can do to make the most impact.
How green is your money?
How much do you think about your money in relation to the climate crisis? In 2023, CAL’s Holly Coyle talked to the public about the importance of where we invest our money. In this article she explains what we as individuals can do to make sure our money is used in positive ways to create a low carbon, environmentally friendly, equitable and community focused world.

Image by Freepik
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
To help tackle the climate emergency and cut down on waste that is blighting the natural environment, we need to reduce our unsustainable consumption and re-use items. When that is not possible, we need to recycle as effectively as possible. It’s not always easy to know how to, so our guide to home recycling should help. For all those tricky items that need to be recycled elsewhere check here.
This guide will help you find local stores, markets and delivery services that offer and even specialise in plastic free purchasing.
Here are a few guides covering some of the themes that our work addresses