Zero Waste and the Perils of Plastic

By |2024-05-13T14:43:25+00:00May 13th, 2024|Articles|

On 24th March, Maree Sala gave an in-depth talk on the meaning of "zero-waste" and how plastic has become enmeshed in our lives. It was a highly interesting, but disturbing talk.  It covered plastic pollution, microplastics, the effect on the environment and the effect on our bodies.  But she also looked at our power as consumers to make changes in [...]

New Zero Waste Shop in Sydenham

By |2023-11-17T13:02:44+00:00November 15th, 2023|Articles|

You can now get refills for your household and personal care needs at Zer0Waste Eco-Corner in Sydenham. Tucked inside the community space that houses Dragonfly Yoga and Leo’s Café on Sydenham Road, this cosy establishment was opened in May 2023 by Maree Sala, who is passionate about reducing our everyday waste, and sourcing products with environmental and ethical credentials. We [...]

How Clean is Your Money?

By |2023-06-15T09:38:34+00:00June 14th, 2023|Articles|

Banking, Pensions and the Climate Crisis. By Holly Coyle What’s the problem? Would you actively choose to invest money in oil, gas and other high carbon industries?  Unfortunately, many of us are unknowingly doing just that.  Since the Paris Agreement, which is a legally binding treaty on Climate Change, UK banks have invested more than £3.8trillion into the fossil fuel [...]

Why Lewisham Council is being two-faced on trees and greening

By |2022-12-06T10:43:52+00:00December 3rd, 2022|Articles|

It’s National Tree Week and Lewisham Council is promoting tree planting. But the Council is giving new trees with one hand and taking older trees with the other. Lewisham’s tree planting hype is only half the story because it glosses over the Council’s casual attitude to existing trees. Here’s why. The Plane Tree threatened by Lewisham Council.  Senlac Rd SE12. [...]

Be the Power!

By |2022-07-15T10:04:35+00:00July 12th, 2022|Articles|

On the 30th June, we sent out a rallying cry out to Lewisham to Be the Power, and join us as volunteers at Climate Action Lewisham!   Around 25 people came to our event and listened to current volunteers talk about key local projects that we run, and how we need new volunteers and fresh blood to invigorate our plans [...]

The Hacking Down of Urban Trees

By |2022-02-18T13:43:58+00:00February 17th, 2022|Articles|

By Zaria Greenhill & Paul de Zylva   The Root of the Problem: why are mature trees felled in urban areas?   Imagine you live in a Victorian house in Lewisham. You’re comfortable, you know the neighbours and the nearby amenities, it’s generally peaceful and offers security and a sense of place. It’s your home.   And then you [...]

Green Your Eats 2022

By |2022-01-18T22:34:31+00:00December 20th, 2021|Articles, Veganuary|

Welcome to Climate Action Lewisham ‘Green Your Eats 2022’. If you joined us last year, welcome back! Eating meat and animal products in such great amounts is one of the leading causes of climate change at the moment so reducing the amount of meat and dairy we eat is one of the best things we can do to lessen the [...]

Energy Switching and Solar Together

By |2021-03-17T11:27:31+00:00March 17th, 2021|Articles|

By Titania Krimpas Switching energy supplier - can you really make a difference? Often when talking to people about Climate Change, a feeling of helplessness descends – ‘Can I really do anything as an individual that makes a difference?’ Well one of the single most impactful steps we can take as individuals and families is to switch energy to a [...]

Hooray for Veganuary!

By |2021-12-14T12:04:54+00:00February 26th, 2021|Articles, Veganuary|

In January 2021, Climate Action Lewisham celebrated Veganuary! Eating less meat and dairy can substantially reduce a person’s carbon footprint, and we wanted to encourage people to try out a plant-based diet, and hopefully realise that it’s not that hard.  On the contrary, it can be delicious, healthy and guilt-free! A whole month of veganism can be daunting though.  So [...]

Vegan cooking : Sonia Heaton

By |2021-12-14T12:05:14+00:00December 29th, 2020|Articles, Veganuary|

Every Sunday in January 2021, CAL is inviting you to participate in live zoom cooking sessions with a vegan cook.   On 10th January, we are thrilled to have Bromley resident Sonia Heaton host a session.  Sonia hosts The Green Plate on Facebook, and here she gives some background on the reasons why she became vegan and what influences her cooking. [...]