About Site Admin2

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So far Site Admin2 has created 17 blog entries.

Lewisham’s Mature Trees

By |2021-12-13T16:49:14+00:00October 1st, 2021|Consultations|

This statement aims to present the viewpoint of the protesters blocking the felling of the Moremead oaks and the Senlac Road plane, and include some supportive evidence for our viewpoint. Introduction This statement addresses the real value of the trees in question and trees in general and highlights how felling of mature trees contradicts other council policies: it challenges the [...]

Lewisham’s Draft Waste Management Strategy – our response

By |2021-12-13T16:53:56+00:00October 1st, 2021|Consultations|

Lewisham Council is currently asking the public to consult on their draft waste management strategy.  Climate Action Lewisham has just submitted a response which you find here. In short, we welcome many of the proposals of the plan, but the strategy lacks the vital ambition and bite in the face of the Climate Emergency. You can see the Council's proposals [...]

The Lewisham Local Plan – our response

By |2021-12-13T16:54:19+00:00March 17th, 2021|Consultations|

Lewisham is in the midst of consultations for its Local Plan - a document which will determine how development and planning will shape the borough over the next 20 years.  It covers the economy to culture, green infrastructure to housing: areas with huge implications for the environment. CAL has been analysing this 800+ word draft document and you can find our [...]

Energy Switching and Solar Together

By |2021-03-17T11:27:31+00:00March 17th, 2021|Articles|

By Titania Krimpas Switching energy supplier - can you really make a difference? Often when talking to people about Climate Change, a feeling of helplessness descends – ‘Can I really do anything as an individual that makes a difference?’ Well one of the single most impactful steps we can take as individuals and families is to switch energy to a [...]

Hooray for Veganuary!

By |2021-12-14T12:04:54+00:00February 26th, 2021|Articles, Veganuary|

In January 2021, Climate Action Lewisham celebrated Veganuary! Eating less meat and dairy can substantially reduce a person’s carbon footprint, and we wanted to encourage people to try out a plant-based diet, and hopefully realise that it’s not that hard.  On the contrary, it can be delicious, healthy and guilt-free! A whole month of veganism can be daunting though.  So [...]

Vegan cooking : Sonia Heaton

By |2021-12-14T12:05:14+00:00December 29th, 2020|Articles, Veganuary|

Every Sunday in January 2021, CAL is inviting you to participate in live zoom cooking sessions with a vegan cook.   On 10th January, we are thrilled to have Bromley resident Sonia Heaton host a session.  Sonia hosts The Green Plate on Facebook, and here she gives some background on the reasons why she became vegan and what influences her cooking. [...]

The 7-Day Vegan Challenge

By |2021-12-14T12:06:05+00:00November 23rd, 2020|Articles, Veganuary|

Could you eat a plant-based diet for seven days? You may be thinking: ugh, no way!  Too much to think about / my family have to eat meat / isn’t it just chickpeas and salad…?  I felt exactly the same way when my son – an inveterate carnivore - initially proposed it two years ago.  The challenge was doing the [...]