In December 2023 we hosted a fantastic talk about retrofitting and how we can make our homes more efficient. CAL’s Matt Horbacki, SELCE‘s Anna Fairtlough and studio-to‘s Suzanne Tate presented. Matt and Suzanne’s presentations are available to read and download. We hope to upload a recording of the presentation soon.
Further information can be found at the following sites — CAL doesn’t endorse these companies or receive any payment for mentioning them, but they were brought up during the talk:
- SELCE offer competitively priced retrofit assessments
- London Government Programmes & Strategies — the Greater London Authority offers £5,000 to £26,000 to homeowners, private tenants and landlords for retrofitting
- Retrofit Academy
- Zypho
- Halcyan Water
If you have any questions, you can contact Matt at, Suzanne at, and Anna at